Brent Dean

Tips For Preventing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome As A Masseuse

26 March 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a painful condition that's also known as median nerve compression. Unfortunately, massage therapists can develop it over time for various reasons, but you can be proactive to help prevent it. When you start with healthy practices while learning the art of massage, they can help you stay healthy as you develop your skills and put them into practice. Consider these tips to help prevent carpal tunnel syndrome. Read More …

Choosing Furniture For Your Salon

2 December 2019
 Categories: Beauty & Fashion, Blog

When shopping for salon furniture, you want to keep four main things in mind. You want to go with furniture that helps you achieve the desired look for the salon, you want to go with furniture that is comfortable, you want to go with furniture that is functional, and you want to go with furniture that is easy to maintain. Here are reasons why these things are do important, as well as other things you should be considering. Read More …

3 Easy Ways To Enhance Your Nightlife Look And Ensure That You Stand Out From The Crowd

7 August 2019
 Categories: Beauty & Fashion, Blog

Are you tired of wearing the same old look during nights out on the town? Here are a few fun and easy things you can do to enhance your nightlife look and ensure that you stand out from the crowd a little: 1. Save the Halloween Hairspray If you enjoy getting dressed up for Halloween, the chances are that you incorporate different colors of hairspray into your costume design at least once every few years. Read More …

Is Your Wife Having A Birthday Soon?

22 May 2019
 Categories: Beauty & Fashion, Blog

If your wife is having a birthday in the near future, are you all set with a gift and have you already planned a special event? If so, you deserve a pat on the back for being organized ahead of time. On the other hand, you might be feeling a bit stressed because you're simply not ready. If that's the case, from preparing a gift basket that includes beauty products to planning a beauty-themed event for your wife, here are some ideas that might help you. Read More …

Wig Out: 3 Types Of Wigs To Consider Getting

22 April 2019
 Categories: Beauty & Fashion, Blog

Chances are that you don't have your dream hair or, at least, don't have it without a little bit of work. After all, the old saying is usually right that "you can't always get what you want." But rather than spending every day exposing your natural hair to damaging heat tools and products, why not get your dream hair without the damage and the work with a wig? With a human hair wig, you can get natural-looking hair without all of the hassle. Read More …

About Me
Identifying New Beauty Trends

How long has it been since you really felt great about the way that you look? I haven't always been someone who has had an incredible self-esteem, but a few months ago, I started experimenting with makeup. I started using different varieties of eyeshadow and working with new hair products, and it was really amazing to feel like a brand new person. After learning what I liked, I felt powerful and beautiful, and now I write this blog to help to encourage other people to do the same. Read this website to identify beauty brands and techniques that could help you.
